Friday October 11, 2024, 1:18 pm

Some screenshots

Main screen

The solver of packVol STANDARD running. The graphical interface of the program is simple and intuitive, with a clear separation between menus and tools, data management panels and load display area.

To learn more, check out our tutorial

For those interested in Operational Research, the screenshot shows the thpack1_1 “test case” (all positions allowed), with 110/112 packed units and 99% packing efficiency.


packVol DYNLOAD at the end of the first step, with the boxes loaded on the pallets.

Distinctive features of the DYNLOAD version are the additional panels for managing primary and secondary packages, and the tools allowing the conversion between pallets and packages.

Internal database

The internal database management User interface, with the additional navigation and filtering tools, the list of records, and the panel to manage data and constraints of the selected record.

To learn more, check out our tutorial

Data is usually entered with bulk import operations from an Excel file or ODBC exchange table, or by saving the input list.

Loading rules

The interface for the definition of the loading rules (constraints) for the packages. The allowed positions are shown with solid faces, whereas the excluded ones are shown with wire-framed edges.

To learn more, check out our tutorial
The constraints are encoded with a number that is displayed in the data grid. You can define a different rule for each of the allowed positions.

Manual session

During the manual session the load display area becomes interactive. The screenshot shows the four-view mode.

Editing tools allow you to add or delete a package, or cut, paste or drag a single package or blocks of packages. You can enable the loading rules to prevent invalid insertions.



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Dr. Antimo Angelucci, PhD
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