Friday February 14, 2025, 2:38 am

5 - Using the Internal Database

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Help
  • Open the container manager with the DatabaseOpen Container Manager menu command, or with the Container Manager tool. Select all rows and delete them. Close the dialog.
  • Open the package manager in maintenance mode with the DatabaseOpen Package ManagersDB Maintenance menu command, or with the Package Manager tool. Select all rows and delete them. Close the panel.
  • Open the file created in Tutorial 1 with the FileOpen menu command (shortcut key Ctrl+O) or the Open tool. Although not necessary, delete the solution using the SolutionDelete Solution menu command.
  • In production use, set up the metric units as discussed in Tutorial 2 before performing database maintenance operations.

  • Select the Containers tab, and then the Current panel. Press the Save Save Container button and save the container.
  • Select the Packages tab, and then the dimension Dim.. grid. Select all rows (shortcut key Ctrl+A). Save the rows with the DatabaseSave Items to Database menu command or the Save Packages tool. You can also use the context menu of the grid [Add rows to database (box) menu command].
  • Open Database managers as seen in step 1 to verify the correctness of the procedures.
  • Create a new solution with the FileNew menu command (shortcut key Ctrl+N) or with the New tool.
  • Open the container manager as shown in step 1. Select the saved container and load it with the Load Load tool. Close the dialog.
  • Open the package manager in retrieval mode with the DatabaseOpen Package ManagersData retrieval menu command (shortcut key Ctrl+M), or the Package Manager tool.
  • Select all rows and load them with the Load Load tool.

For curiosity, edit a code cell by entering a registered code. When the cell is closed, all data is automatically loaded. The auto-completion function can be used to simplify importing from Excel files.

The database can be populated with bulk import, using spreadsheet or ODBC table.

  • Create an Excel file to import as described in the Tutorial 4. Populate the database with the DatabaseImport / Update DatabaseData from Excel menu command.

The load list can be imported by using auto-completion.

  • Create an Excel file with two columns only. In the first enter the code of a record, in the second the quantity.
  • Create a new solution with the FileNew menu command (shortcut key Ctrl+N) or with the New tool.
  • Import the file created with the FileImport (Excel)Import Code/Qty menu command (shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+Q).

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Dr. Antimo Angelucci, PhD
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